Once you have completed your booking, you will also find the address in your booking confirmation email.
You can also find the address of a parking provider on our website, by clicking on the blue ‘More information’ link reported below the parking name of your interest. Under the tab ‘Location’ you will find a map and the address of the parking. More information on the address of the parking can be found in this article.
If you look for directions to your booked parking, you can use the route planner, provided in your Parkos booking confirmation. To start the route planner, simply click on the link ‘Route planner’ in your confirmation email. You receive a complete step-by-step route from the location of your departure to the parking.
If you have already made a reservation and would like to call the parking provider, you can find the telephone number in the confirmation email as well. You can call this number for example to announce your arrival and return, or to inform the parking provider about any last-minute changes. If you would like to get additional information about the telephone number of the parking lot, you can find it in this article.
Last updated: February 2024