Below you can find information to help you l while completing your reservation.
Your travel details
The travel dates and times are normally already extracted from your initial parking search. If you would like to make a standard booking, please select travel for 'leisure'. If you would like to make a booking for a business-related trip, please select travel for 'business to include relevant company information in this section. To know more about the difference between leisure and business reservation, please check the information reported in this article.
Your information
You will be asked to enter your details. Please make sure to fill in the correct email address as this will be the email address to which the confirmation email will be sent once the booking is completed.
Number of people
This is not always required. In case it’s requested, please specify the number of people you’re arriving at the parking. This way the parking can plan the transfer to the airport with a shuttle. If the number of people is not possible to be selected, you have to add more people in the section 'extra service' for a small charge, or it means that it’s not possible to transport more people to the airport for that specific parking.
Vehicle information
You could be asked to enter your licence plate number and car model. This is important as some self-parking parking spaces work with an entry system with number plate recognition. Additionally, it is easier for parking employees to recognize your car during the valet vehicle handover if the car model and number are known.
Extra products
In the beginning of the extra product section, you will find the option to book the 'Base, Standard and Premium package'. The packages differ in terms of extra services, change and cancellation policies. Further information on the different packages can be found here. Other extra services that can be booked in this section are for example child seats, car washing, and others. The fee for the selected extra service(s) will be added to your total booking costs automatically.
Payment methods
You can select which payment method you would like to use. Please be aware that not every parking lot offers the same payment options. More information about payment methods can be found here.
To finalize your reservation, tick the two boxes below the payment methods and click on the orange button 'Complete reservation'. You will then be directed to the payment process and receive your confirmation email.
Last updated: March 2024